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The Wisconsin Guild of Midwives (WGOM) is the professional organization for Licensed Midwives in the state, who undergo specialized clinical training to provide out-of-hospital care for families planning to birth in private homes and free-standing birth centers. General membership is open to licensed midwives, student midwives, and other practitioners providing care in out-of-hospital settings.
The Wisconsin Guild of Midwives supports the right of every family to have access to a skilled and licensed midwife. It is our position that licensed midwives represent the goals of best practice for safe care and should be available to all who pregnant people in the state of Wisconsin.
I’m looking for an out-of-hospital midwife…
Interested in finding a midwife for an out-of-hospital (home or birth center) birth? Search our database of licensed midwives all across the state to find the right one for your family.
I’m a midwife or student midwife…
Learn about the benefits of joining the guild (for practicing, retired, or student midwives), view requirements, access WI rules & regulations, and more.
I’m interested in becoming a midwife…
Check out educational opportunities for student midwives and learn about funding and scholarships available from the Wisconsin Guild of Midwives.

Wisconsin Guild of Midwives
The Wisconsin Guild of Midwives works to advance health by:
- Expanding communication and building support among Wisconsin licensed midwives
- Promoting licensed midwives as quality health care providers for families
- Promoting research and information in the field of midwifery care
- Establishing channels of communication between licensed midwives and other professional and consumer groups concerned with the health of families

Wisconsin Guild of Midwives Inclusivity, Dignity and Respect Statement (2019)
The Wisconsin Guild of Midwives, in order to further our primary purpose – to promote midwifery as a quality health care option for childbearing families- commits to fostering a professional environment of deep respect and inclusion across difference.
Further, we dedicate ourselves to the reduction of preventable infant and maternal mortality in our state, and to address outcome disparities caused by barriers to access, differential treatment, a lack of access to culturally relevant health care and the disproportionate stress experienced by people of color and others with memberships in historically marginalized populations.
Guild members from within these populations have asked that those identities most excluded remain named and recognized- named by race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation and other potentially marginalized identities. We understand that by being so named they are seen and acknowledged, and the potential barriers they face are made plain. We commit to listening and believing the stories of people who are most marginalized, and we will strive to do everything we can to understand their lived experience. Given what we learn, we commit to sharing one another’s burdens and to tangibly support each other to realize our full potential as a community of midwives.
We acknowledge that our professional membership is not yet representative of the various populations in our state, and that we as midwives in Wisconsin, are not yet adequately serving all of our beloved community. We acknowledge that much is to be gained through the cultivation of a diverse midwifery community and that by doing so more families will be able to find midwives who share and understand their unique circumstances.
In order to be accountable to these beliefs and intentions, we state the following:
• We value, respect and affirm the dignity of each member of our Guild, as well as within the greater birth worker community.
• We are committed to providing and promoting a professional environment founded on deep respect by addressing issues of equity and justice in our community through research, self-reflection, and by listening well and seeking greater understanding when conflicts occur.
• We respect the right of all childbearing families to receive culturally concordant and relevant midwifery care. To this end, we offer free Guild memberships to anyone who self-identifies as being a Person of Color or a member of another historically disenfranchised population, regardless of economic status.
• We are committed to providing ongoing equity and justice educational opportunities to our membership.
• We embrace transparency and accountability in our relationships and will continually challenge ourselves in order to foster a culture of mutual concern and respect for the free expression of all individuals.