Education committee: The committee works to educate midwives through continuing education workshops as well as reach out to new members and the broad public about midwives.
Membership committee: The committee works to promote membership to the WGM, as well as to support WGM members and the organization at large through internal projects including website and program maintenance.
Incident Review Committee (IRC): The IRC responds to complaints filed with the WGM from consumers, other health care providers, and the public; the committee reviews self-reported cases that fall within certain defined parameters, and provides a venue for midwives to request a formal review by peers when a complaint has been made to the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
*The WGOM and individual board members do not accept personal phone calls, emails, or correspondence from concerned clients, family members, or other professionals. Any concerns regarding a midwife’s practices should be directed to the individual midwife or if preferred, you may report concerns to the Wisconsin Guild of Midwives’ Incident Review Committee through our confidential form.
Social Justice & Equity committee: The committee works to partner with the community and general membership to support social justice issues and projects, especially in communities where there are clear health disparities.
Legislative committee: The committee engages the professional community and general membership to affect legislative change for the advancement of licensed midwives and to promote initiatives that increase access to midwifery care in Wisconsin.
Student committee: The committee works to promote the role of students in the Guild and to be a safe space for students to discuss issues and concerns that arise as students in a unique field.