What You Can Expect
After submitting your application to join, the Treasurer and Secretary will review and approve your membership. If you’ve indicated interest, we will add you to the Google Group list-serve and to the Find a Midwife page of our website. You’ll receive a confirmation of being added to either/both locations, as well as the password for our Members website. Please know this may take a few weeks to process. If you have not received communications regarding your application within 4 weeks, please contact the Treasurer or Secretary.
Once a member, you’ll receive agendas and announcements for upcoming meetings, and you may join committees or current initiatives at any time.
Membership dues are to be paid in January of each year. If you joined the WGOM after September 1st, your initial membership will be continued into the next year.
WGOM welcomes new members at any time. Members join a statewide community of midwives licensed to provide maternity care. Members are invited to participate in membership meetings and committees, hold an office in the Guild leadership, add their online practice listing in the Find a Midwife section of the Guild website, and join a common listserve to receive online information and updates pertinent to midwifery practice on statewide and national levels. Once you are a current member, your practice will be added to our “Find a Midwife” page. You are also welcome to email Miranda Welch, Guild Secretary, at grassrootsmidwifery@gmail.com to complete your listing.
Prospective members can join the Guild as Professional members or Associate members. Per WGOM Bylaws, Professional members are midwives who are Licensed Midwives or Certified Nurse Midwives that hold a license to practice midwifery in Wisconsin or are retired Midwives with an inactive license. Professional members also include students with a Wisconsin temporary permit to practice midwifery. Voting privileges are offered to Professional members. Associate Members may be any other person who is involved in or associated with midwifery. These members do not have voting privileges at this time.
To become a member, or to renew your current membership, please complete the membership application below along with annual membership dues. Students, midwives in their 1st year of practice, non-practicing midwives and retired midwives are asked to pay dues at the sliding scale of $35-100 and practicing professionals are asked to pay dues at the sliding scale of $75-500. The Guild suggests 1–2% of a practice income as your dues to your professional organization. Dues must be sent each year to the Guild treasurer by January 1st.
WGOM offers a membership fee waiver for people who self-identify as being from a historically disenfranchised population or group or for those having a significant financial need and for whom the sliding scale fee would constitute a barrier to joining the Guild. The WGOM Treasurer will make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of those who apply for this scholarship.
To join the guild, or to renew your current membership, please complete the membership application below. Enrollment for membership is open the entire year.
A printable membership form can be found here.