Voting members of the Wisconsin Guild of Midwives join a statewide community of midwives licensed to provide care and are invited to participate in membership meetings and committees or hold an office in the Guild leadership.
Guild members may also be added to the listing on the Guild website in the Find a Midwife section. Members are invited to join the Guild Google Group list-serve to receive online information and updates pertinent to midwifery practice on statewide and national levels.
Guild members who are credentialed midwives may be eligible to serve on an Incident Review Team when the committee determines that a formal peer review is needed. On rotation, all eligible member midwives are asked to serve if reasonably able.
Meetings occur the third Friday of the following months: January, March, May, September, and November. Meetings are currently virtual over zoom with two in-person meetings – one in spring and one in fall. When meeting in-person year-round, locations alternate between Madison and other locations throughout the state. Meetings run between 9 am and 12:30 pm. For more information about the next meeting contact any officer.