Support Your Local Midwives
Interested in supporting midwives in your community and state? In supporting access to home birth and freestanding birth centers for pregnant and birthing folks? In supporting the growth and development of a midwifery community in Wisconsin that reflects and serves all people within our state?
Consider a contribution to our Wisconsin Guild of Midwives Fund for Queer, Black, Indigenous & People of Color (QBIPOC) Student Midwives and 1st-Year Midwives. DONATE NOW to help grow our QBIPOC midwifery community.
Support and share legislation that aims to disrupt our state’s most onerous barriers to child and maternal health. The Wisconsin Birth Equity Act includes:
- Providing an at-home wellness visit within the first two weeks of delivery
- Mandating insurance coverage of maternal mental health risk screenings
- Repealing Wisconsin’s Birth Cost Recovery Law
- Establishing pregnancy as a qualifying event for employer-sponsored health plans
- Removing sales tax on breastfeeding equipment and supplies
- Expanding access to dental care for pregnant BadgerCare recipients